What do you do when you’re losing hope?

Don’t Tell Me That Big Girls Don’t Cry! Tell Me How to Stop.

Take comfort in this promise

Elizabeth Erlandson
3 min readSep 7, 2021


Photo by Fa Barboza on Unsplash

This is what the Lord says: “Restrain your voice from weeping and your eyes from tears . . . there is hope for your descendants,” declares the Lord. Your children will return to their own land. Jeremiah 31:16–17

Each time I read this passage, I am both convicted and comforted.

God’s Word clearly says, “Stop crying,” and yet for years, I have been “weeping for my children” who have turned away from the Lord.

Like the exiled Israelites who longed to return to their home in Jerusalem, I yearn for my son and daughter to come back to faith in Jesus Christ. I have prayed fervently, consistently, and determinedly.

I have wept, worried, and wondered why God isn’t answering my prayers.

Convicted by the Word

To be perfectly honest, I am losing patience. I want God to act NOW.

My faith often seems fragile. Fickle. Faltering.

Then I read God’s Word, and I am convicted.

Comforted by the Word



Elizabeth Erlandson

Totally sold out to Jesus Christ, in Whom I find ever-increasing joy. Wife to Doug. Mother of two. Urban gleaner. Retired candy store owner. Devotional writer.